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A.Y. 2022/2023, second trimester - University of Milan

Second module, 3 credits, 20 hours. Language of the course: English.


Note for students: Available for thesis supervision.


​This part of the course aims to address the issue of migration from different angles and to go beyond the classic open v. closed borders debates, by discussing different types of questions: from the scope of the right to freedom of movement, whether there is a human right to immigrate, and whether it might be considered legitimate to restrict emigration in the forms of brain drain and care drain. It will critically examine criteria for selecting between would-be immigrants (e.g., merit, lottery, using an algorithm), and for acquiring citizenship, as well as the tensions between the claims of prospective immigrants and existing residents. During the course, questions of migrant worker exploitation, and responsibility and duties for refugees are tackled, as well as considerations about the structural injustice that characterises refugeehood and asylum, and the harms of internal displacement.

  • Integrative seminar to the course Teorie dell'eguaglianza e dei diritti

A.Y. 2022/2023, first trimester - University of Milan.

4 hours​. Language of the seminar: Italian.

Seminar entitled "Intersezionalità e vulnerabilità: il caso delle donne richiedenti asilo e rifugiate" (EN: Intersectionality and Vulnerability: The case of Asylum-seeking and Refugee Women).

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